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Tips for Easier Meditation at Tiny Buddha


A blogger at the Tiny Buddha blog offered a post called “8 Ways to Make Meditation Easy and Fun” at the other day, and while part of me is still saying “I reserve the right to disapprove of excessive comfiness in meditation,” all in all this post gives me several guidelines I can use, not to mention a little commiseration on the “think the world of meditating but don’t do it as often as I might like” situation (which I’m sure is unique to the blogger and myself).

Recommendations include a hybrid nap-meditation, a 100-breaths meditation, a micro-meditation, and others. I’m always interested in good meditation resources, since I’m really not particularly expert at it (and yet I get a lot out of it even fumbling through as I do). If anyone has other good resources on the subject to suggest, please comment!

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