Elsewhere on the Internet, I’ve been slowly learning something about climate change and working on ways to make a positive impact on that catastrophic, immediate problem. My blog at FaceClimateChange.com is about finding inspiration and motivation to make a positive impact on a daunting and horrific problem. Here are some recent posts for anyone who can spend a few minutes taking a closer look at what’s going wrong and what we can do about it.
- We’re Eating Oil–Literally
- Videos: A Massive Iceberg Breakup and One Day on Earth
- Where the Carbon Comes From: Getting a Clue
- Climate Change: Hope Is Vital–and Dangerous
- What I’m Going to Have to Do to Face Climate Change: First Steps
I’ve also started a Twitter list of useful sources of climate change news and information at https://twitter.com/lucreid/lucreid-climate-change .