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In the Journal Nature: My “Ways to Enjoy Nutrient Blend 14”

Luc's writing projects

One of the more thrilling short story sales of my career recently was of a quite short story called “Ways to Enjoy Nutrient Blend 14,” a tale about augmented reality and society change, which sold to the international science journal Nature some months back for their ongoing fiction feature “Futures.” The story appears in the new issue of Nature, and is available for free on the Web at

This makes two of my stories appearing for the first time on the Web in one day, and both in pro venues; that may be a first!



  1. russell bell  •  Aug 22, 2012 @2:51 pm

    Have you read Stanislaw Lem’s ‘The Futurological Congress’?

  2. Luc  •  Aug 22, 2012 @3:22 pm

    Hi Russell. I’ve read some of Lem’s work, but not The Futurological Congress. I have the impression it deals with the same question as “Ways to Enjoy Nutrient Blend 14” in terms of the choice between a problematic reality versus a tempting pseudo-reality. If you’ve had a chance to read Lem’s book, what did you think of it?

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