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The Writing Engine

The Writing Engine: A Practical Guide to Writing Motivation

My eBook, The Writing Engine: A Practical Guide to Writing Motivation, is now available for free download: just click here.

The Writing Engine is 80 pages of useful, uncommon information on motivation for writers, based on research and on the experience of successful writers. It’s freely available to copy and share under a Creative Commons license. If you post it, share it, forward it, or mention it, I’ll be uncommonly grateful.

10 reasons to read The Writing Engine right now

1.       For any writing motivation problem, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find an immediate solution in the Motivation Troubleshooter section

2.       It’s organized in small, well-labeled chunks of information that are convenient for reading even when you just have a few minutes

3.       You can dive into any part that looks interesting without having to have read what comes before

4.       It’s free, which other than “they pay you” is the best of all possible prices

5.       The Writing Motivation Cheat Sheet at the end summarizes the whole book. You can look at it to see exactly what the book has to tell you before having to read the book, if you like.

6.       If you don’t read this book now, you might not do it later, and then you’ll never reap the benefits

7.       Even though this book covers the subject of writing motivation thoroughly, it’s much shorter than a regular book, so it won’t take you long to read

8.       There are funny parts. And where else do you get to see a photograph of Emily Dickinson white water kayaking?

9.       The Writing Engine is based heavily on recent research, much of which you won’t have heard about in any other writing book or article. Some of the contents of this eBook will be new to you even if you are already a successful writer, a research psychologist, and/or a regular reader of my blog.

10.   If you try using even a few of the techniques from this book, you’ll earn back the time spent reading it in a very short period

11.   You get extra, bonus material, like the additional bullet items in this list. I only promised you 10 items, yet I’m delivering 16. Seriously: if anything, I’m underselling this stuff

12.   Much of the knowledge you’ll get from this eBook about writing motivation applies to other parts of life, including health, relationships, learning, and happiness

13.   The book will point you to a lot of practical, informative material on the Willpower Engine site that may interest you

14.   You may have friends who could really use this eBook. If you find it useful, you could pass it on with a recommendation, and it might be useful to them and cause them to feel grateful toward you

15.   You can read the book in pieces, in order or out of order, whenever you need a boost to your writing motivation

16.   If you need writing motivation right this minute, you can use the Emergency Writing Motivation Techniques section


  1. maria montenegro  •  Apr 16, 2010 @4:14 pm

    Thank you for your offerings.

    Are you available for coaching?

    Kind regards,
    maria montenegro
    rochester, VT

  2. Luc  •  Apr 16, 2010 @4:34 pm

    Hi Maria,

    I am offering free coaching at the moment, but currently am full up … I’ll put you on the list as openings come up, though, if that suits.

    Best wishes,

  3. Lorraine Banfield  •  Jun 24, 2011 @9:47 pm

    Luc, I downloaded your book and read it this afternoon – some very good stuff in there. I found the parts on broken ideas and fixing them very helpful. I have written 70,000 words of a non fiction book which I wrote more or less, as you call it but the seat of my pants – I had written up an outline and then decided it made the writing seem too task oriented as apposed to creative, but now I find I have a ton of editing to do and my inclination is to scarp the whole thing and start on something new, related but new so when you wrote about hedonic adaptation, I realized that was probably my problem – I’ve been working on this since the fall of 2010 and it is now summer 2011. I had hoped to be finished with it by the end of August but I am dragging my feet. Anyway, your book was helpful. Thanks for writing it – I will send the link to my writing friends. Lorraine

  4. Luc  •  Jul 26, 2011 @3:27 pm

    Lorraine, thanks for stopping by to comment! I hope you’re making good progress on your book, and drop me a line if any new questions come up.


  5. Lee J Tyler  •  Jul 16, 2014 @10:18 am

    Hi Luc,
    I read The Writing Engine when you first wrote it and love it. I will share to spread awareness. But I must say there are a great many things we share. I have a degree in psychology w/a writing emphasis and studied neurotransmitters/neurology. I have applied this to my writing life. I think you are one of the most generous writers (along with Katie Weiland) that I have come across. I just wanted to thank you for your efforts (and successes) in helping other writers. All my best, Lee J Tyler

  6. Luc  •  Jul 16, 2014 @11:10 am

    Thanks, Lee! That’s deeply appreciated.

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